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Saturday, January 31, 2009
Happy CNY !
Hey readers,

I wish you Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
So I came back from hometown a couple of days ago and continue my work in True Fitness. Soon after, I hopped unto my previous job with Amelia from Starmaker Company.

In between of this two part of my doings, I immediately got myself reassured on how relevant will a fitness post be seeing that CHINESE people would definitely have splurged themselves with food during CNY.

So here goes the relevance-more specifically on maintaining a non-pot belly. First of all, nothing will happen to your united nations below your chest as you regret eating buffet at Hartz or Shogun. Your united nations will not become 8 rock hard gangsta packs. However, if you understand that you are the secretary general of your united nations and use that position to transform and take action on it- you will see yourself developing those brilliant abs.

Time and time again, people wonder how come abs are so difficult to form-easy, imagine working on your biceps, how long does it take for you to see your biceps become big? (1-2 months) Take that number and multiply it by 8. You need x8 the amount of effort and time to get those abs seen and shining. In addition to that, remember that whatever you eat and gets processed will accumulate at your stomache, thus fats will be formed faster on your stomache then other parts of your body. For girls, fat goes radically to your stomache, bum, and thighs.

Therfore, in order to GET abs or non-pot belly, 2 things are certain. Diet and exercise are compulsory. If you're doing exercise but implying an eat more diet program or continue with the old eating habit of me... Guess what? those 8 rock hard gangster packs are not going to exist. EVER. So, exercise CONSISTENTLY and EFFECTIVELY as well as mantain a good weight loss diet program all the days of your life. In this city of Malaysia, exercising is not a problem. Everyone goes jogging, carrying weights and goin to gym...

The problem then after you already make exercising a lifestyle is actually keeping a good weight loss diet program. Everytime a guy or a girl hears the word diet, they will be more than proud to say, " I know about it and I'm doing it". News flash! You don't know what is diet. Diet is the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group (as said by wikipedia) So, as of now everyone is on a diet. As long as you are eating, you are on a diet. Weight loss diet however is a whole different story. You are CUTTING DOWN on a CERTAIN AREA of your food groups. You don't STOP an AREA of a food group completely. You don't stop taking rice or meat.. you might lose weight, but a guarantee is that you are losing your mind. CUT DOWN is the key word in a weight loss diet. As you cut down on a certain food group lets say RICE, don't then eat more meat unless of course you are really building muscle. Also understand that junk food such as EYES CREAM, TWISTIES, or SWEETS are a part of your diet. I know its difficult, take it easy, do it slow and once weight loss diet becomes a lifestyle, it becomes SO easy. I wish you the best in taking care of your body and God bless.
† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 8:40 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Whats Goin Down Baby
yoyoyoyoyo! that was the bomb y'know what im saying..(randy jackson)

Hey all you grown-ups! Your short, white, and ugly bro is here baby to update! If you're wondering what have Sung Lin been doing or whether his muscles has gotten any bigger, wonder no more for I have your questions answered!

I have been employed by True Fitness to work there for roughly 5-6month. Right now I am undergoing training in sales and marketing. Don't be surprised if you hear my voice on your phone at night when its raining and you are all alone, when you're at the car park and the lights are not well lit or when you're sitting alone and you got buried into quietness. Besides that, please help and support me if you can in any way through joining and etc.

Next, I just got back from an advertisement shoot. Ying Hao told me about it and i sent in my profile to the management. Soon after, I got a respond saying that I've been selected to be the ca-le-fer. I am really happy and thankful even just to play a very minor role. Thank God I have this oppurtunity given to me by Ying Hao. Its a great experience and exposure. The advertisement is for Cadbury.

In addition to that, I have been so blessed. My friends got me a new Sony Ericsson F305 mobile phone for my birthday! Hallelujah! Praise God! I love all of you so much and I look forward to all our future gatherings!

Most importantly, although I have been busy the month round, I am still alligned with God and my cross is still carried by me. I really want to thank God for all the presents and oppurtunities and I will countinue to strive to bless people, build my character and glorify God.

Matthew 10

38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 3:07 AM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Big Start in 09'
I was browsing through shops in Taipan and Subang Parade and Wisma Consplant. From Starbucks to Coffee Bean to Leo's(not the club) to disappointment. My passion in becoming a personal trainer became stagnant as I still anxiously await a return call from the head of Fitness First. However, beginning with a short random conversation concerning a job vacancy and slim chances of getting hired or so I thought, I got a job from my church friend, Amelia Tan. A dynamic christian, a visionary manager, is what I saw. I really thank God and Amelia for opening up a door of vacancy for me.

A big start indeed. It seems very different working than studying, doing things yourself and independantly unlike being supported by so many people. Nonetheless, from applying a job to getting and starting one, its all a great learning experience and exposure. You see wider horizons and possibilities with God when you open up your eyes. It is tiring but satisfactory guaranteed plus the joy of the Lord is your strength. In addition to that, I have been spending a lot of time with friends! I am so blessed to have great friends!

It is good! I hope that you are doing well with your studies or work. If you want to catch up with me, let me know-I would be free. God bless you and stay focused on your resolutions.
† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 7:54 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
A Spectacular New Year
This ought to be the best new year yet! Ying Hao planned an outing to watch Bedtime Stories and a few of us were there! Shortly after that, we went to Summer Steamboat and the food there was tasty! It is so nice to have your close friends spend time together with ya. Everyone was so crazy! Wyman was saying that if you squeeze and egg with your palms, the egg will never break even if you're the strongest man on earth. So, I tried-representing the Buff Club being the president. Yes, We Can. Cannot breakla! Then my secretary Jonathan also tried, also cannot break (this part wasn't surprising-just joking Jon!). Super funny weh! I was super scared that it would break then I could see the faces of little devils tempting me saying, "Come on sung, can it really break?" Surely it will not." "Are you scared?" Cause before that some smart fella(jon) throwed an egg to me and then shout, "catch the egg". With my quick reflex I managed to catch it la..But it BOUNCED out of my hand so it broke. Embarassing weh...

We then decided to sleep over at Ying Hao's house to usher in the NEW YEAR! Before I went there I went to Li Za's Church to pray and flashback what God has done for us. Very worth the going and then 3, 2, 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Fireworks were litted and off I went to Ying Hao's house to continue the celebration. Happily I stepped inside his house and I thought that they were waiting innocently for my arrival. Little would I hope that some Australian Guy would have changed his naughty and cheeky attitude-but I guess not. If you are wondering who that guy is, just know that he got a girlfriend named A_ _ _ _ _. Nicely I came in then most of them started shooting me-BABI! Jon rolling on the floor while shooting me, Cass hiding while shooting, I run to the back also they corner and shoot me, like Counter Strike weh... Owh Yea! This Jon pointed his gun directly on my skin and shot. Until now, still got bruise. After they had fun, we then played this card game whereby the lowest value would have to drink. A lot of stupid things happened that night and we slept at 7 am. Adam, Ying Hao, Jason, Jonathan, Andrea, Cassandra, Wyman, Li Za, Andrea, Lucas, and Wei Shen were with us throughout the day.

The next day, we headed to lunch and since we couldn't let go of each other yet(aww), we went to Summit and played bowling. Later in the night, we went to Restaurant Ahwa and ate HOKKIEN MEE! Its SO NICE! I want to go there again! SO NICEE! Dunno whether ajinomoto or the cook but whatever it is, its fantastic. Ask Andrea about the place and try it for yourselves! Ying Hao, Jonathan, Andrea, Grace, Mabel, Michelle was with me. Then, we went back to Andrea's house and played Taboo! So fun!

The next day, Jon, Jason, Adam, and I went to Sunway Club! Its good to see most of the guys and even girls having the passion and inspiration to continue and start physical building! Male by birth, men by choice! Yeah! Later then, Jason and I joined Wei Shen, Joanna, Ju Yinn and Xiao Fern for a movie and then we had a good talk! I hate scary movies!

Above all, it has been a good happy start in the year 2009 but I pray and hope that this year all of us will experience productivity, growth, increase, and bear good fruits from character. We will work hard, stay focused, and let our harvest be glorious to God. God Bless and stay tuned!

† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 11:03 PM
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