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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Random Events
ROARRRRRR!!! HI :) just wanted to write something interesting :) Haven't you heard a great beginning is what that catches the eye of the reader :) Btw, that roar was from Aslan, the lion from Narnia!!!

I watched it the other day and BAPAK cool wehhh... ASLAN like some GODLIKE ANIMAL WEHH, Roar one time some water elemental fella come out all, the tree wake up all... FUYOHH. I watched the movie with my CELL GROUP!!! VERY RUSH LA but by God's grace we make it there just in time :) Me, Dic Vinn, Wei Shen, and Sher Mun, walk all the way from church to Sunway Pyramid within 10 minutes!!! CEPAT LEHH...

Jauh BAPAK!!!

What time is it? Not summer time, theeee!!! This is Malaysia!!! Negara panas dan lembab sepanjang umur hidup engkau, tak ada salji ya... its about CF Camp 2008!!! WUHUUU WUHUUU!!! God is going to touch the life's of the people, people's life are going to be transformed and restored, and I know that God is going to do a great work in this camp... But more than that... ITS GOING TO BE FUN!!! WUHUU!!! GONNA BELASAH JIMMY !!! dunno why but seems fun to bully president :)

I just came back from Hillsong's Concert!!! WUHUU, so so so magnificent!!! Its a whole new encounter with God and with the band:) Joel so handsome wehh...LOL!!! This concert really changed my praise & worship life and God has touched me man!!! Its awesome!!! I have had an amazing time today!!!

God Bless Your Life, Reader, I hope you have a pleasant day:)

† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 9:38 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
Here Comes The Holidays
Hey everyone WUHUUU... aren't you glad exams are over??? :) ITS THE HOLIDAYS!!! I am so glad and relieved now that this whole hard work, blood, sweat, and tears season are now gone! Exams so far has been really pleasing to me as I am able to do most of them now compared to last time Form 4 fail all...hahah... I think I have really studied way more compared to last exam!!! So, under God's grace let us hope for good marks!!!


This holidays is going to be productive wehh!!! WUHUU, I will be doing CF camp stuff...hehe.. bagi suspens sikit, revising a bit, and spend time with my friends, and those usual stuff!!! :)

So, now that holidays are here, I hope that you will have a great time of resting, enjoying, and relaxing... Have a fun time!!!
† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 3:13 AM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Look To Jesus Brother!
You know who you are la and this goes out to you...

Hey brother, just hold on and I do feel your pain and sadness. I know that its very depressing being very socially secluded from all 3 of us but despite that you have to go on la and continue this life with Jesus man... With no real person and friend who really understands you and just be there for you can be a hard thing la...

However, the fact remains but we don't live on our feelings la but rather our principles la. I need you to surrender everything that you feel, all the sadness and pain to God. In this manner, not discarding it but put it on Gods hand la and God will guarantee your security la... We need to let go whats on our hands so that God can open His la...

I know you are strong and all la but just to aid you la

Persevere man, God have great things for you man!!! I know with all my heart that this brother I know can be an awesome student, a caring boyfriend towards your girlfriend, a shining light, and a very dynamic person indeed!!! God Bless You!!!

† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 11:24 PM
Happy Mothers Day
Harlo all!!! Happy Mothers Day to you!!! AHEM, Future Mother's Day I mean... except the guys la...

I am sure that you will be spending some time with your mom and enjoying her company :) I really hope that as you do so, you will have a great and wonderful weekend :) Love your mom k!!!

For me personally, my mom is in Australia but its not as sad as you think it is la, its a very grown-up and mature thing la to be responsible... Sometimes, people have to go here and therela, and you ought to overcome it by increasing your self-sufficiency factor la without removing the companion of othersla... of course you don't become an anti-social la...

And right now... To my mummy===> HAPPY MOTHERS DAY !!! WUHUU!!! This Mothers Day I wish to say thank you for your uncountable number of sacrifices you have done over my life and the blessings which you so freely poured unto me :) Without them, I really wouldn't have been who I am today and because of you I am influenced and molded!!! I really appreciate everything that you have done and even small things like buying me a bottle of drink after my school day... I remember :)

Thank you for your love and understanding and I pray and am sure that you will do so well :)

Love you and miss you mummy and I will always pray for you!!! God Bless You!!!

† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 8:20 AM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Got Braces Liao...
WUHUU!!! I got braces edi!!! (stomach shows the grumpy look) LOL, yea I KNOW baby...CANNOT EAT HARD FOOD!!! T_T No big beef, fat chicken, and no POK AIYOYO... Die wehh!!! NVM, we got technology!!! (says Patrick) BLENDER WEII!!!

hhahaha... nvm la, should be okay!!!

Hmm, exams has been little hard (AHEM- Add Maths) but no matter how hard it is I really want to thank God because I have been really studying hard and more than just result, I have also gained the value of diligence!!! Well, I will be having my exams and I am unable to blog till I'm done with it... So, bare with this dullness and God Bless you with wisdom, knowledge, and diligence in your exam... and whoever who believes in it shall receive it :) (I cannot smile properly also weh...WALAU... the holes here and there all)
† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 2:50 AM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Life With A Bit of Spice And Some Rice :)
HEHEHEH... eh sorry wehh.. i noe sports day long time over edi but...what to do?

well, instead of using time putting up posts, i was actually looking at blogskins!

my blog gonna go under construction soon!!!.. Don't worry!! I call the contractor, purchase cement nails, wood all edi!! WHAHHAHAH so lame wehh....So, with exams also in mind, i think i am only able to renovate starting from the ending of the exams! COOL RIGHT- starting from the ending sial.... WUHUU!!!

erm, right now, theres a lot of happenings going on within this week..
First, my mom left to Australia almost permanently. So, me and my sisters spent a lot of time with her and it was really sad because things will not be the same again and i will never be able to see her and it will always be a rush in time when she ever comes back to do this and that with her. I pray and I am sure that my mom will excel in Australia!!! She is the most GILA KENG mom I have met!!! GO SUPERMOM!!!

Next, IM PUTTING BRACES MAN...WALAU GILA SHOCKING RIGHT.. STUN OR NOT? NO LA.. U R PAKI-STUN!!! Well, on Monday night i was just praying to God and I said.. WALAU my teeth so ugly wehh... Then right, the same night I told my mom about it then she straight away say.. O OKAY LA.. Go do a teeth job (wanted to say nose job all) JUST LIKE THAT WEHH... Braces are like 4.5 K plus u noe...WAHH praise God man...

Then, the next day I went la for the 'check-up'. I sat on the chair and waited for my turn and suddenly I saw a light! YEAH RIGHT!!! LOL JZ JOKING... MADE YOU READ!!! Before it was my turn, I heard all the drilling sound, knocking, screaming in pain all.... BAPAK STEAM SIAL!!! My CHICKEN LEVEL was like GILA HIGH WEHHH... I almost wanted to say, " Doctor, my teeth went back in already la... So, i guess I don't need your services anymore!!!." No time to procrastinate sial...Straight away was my turn...The dentist was a female Indian and she was so FRIENDLY!!!

Then, she talked to me as she was my mom's friend and started some procedures... You see the 'check-up' word? ITS A CHECK UP ALRIGHT... She straight away say," Boy, I pull out your teeth now la since you going Australia end of this year... The faster the better boy, the faster the better". WALAU, okie lorr. Take out the gun, nail, hammer all!!! No la, just a very big syringe!!! Longer than a banana sial... I had to take out 4 teeth.....Well, I guess thats all that you should know :) I will be putting on braces by next week if everything is well!! PRAYER WORKS!

Lastly, it is about studying... Wah, it has been really stressful in terms of load... and like if you study non-stop and just doing the motion right... GILA BABI HEAD PAIN... However, despite all the load and work, it has not been good as i realized theres a lot more to go :( well, i will be more hardworking from today!!! Overall, I am really proud that I am able to study way harder compared to last yearla... Its fun to study!!! Its a fantastic feeling to feel when your purpose as a student is slowly achieved!!!

Thats all from now I guess!!! In the mean time, happy studying to all of you and God will bless you wehh!!! WUHUUU!!

† ∆ η ک Ц η Ĝ Ł ۩ Ŋ has inspired people at 9:11 PM
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General Knowledge
Barack Obama